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Personal Data Privacy Term

Personal Data Privacy Term

Sesc does not collect and process personal data from visitors in this portal ( Access data, such as origin, length of stay and searched content, become anonymous in the Google Analytics monitoring platform, and are used only to improve users’ experience in the portal. During navigation, personal data will not be stored in cookies or other technology. For more details on this topic, visit: 

Collection or processing of personal data will be carried out by Sesc when necessary to meet user demands. In such cases, the visitor will be informed about the treatment before providing any information.

In case of requests or doubts about personal data processed by the Sesc National Department – please contact Henrique Nascimento Silva Amorim, (in charge of processing personal data), email:

These measures comply with the requirements of the General Personal Data Protection Act (LGPD). For more information, visit: 

Utilizamos cookies em nosso site para trazer uma melhor experiência aos visitantes. Para mais detalhes, leia nosso Termo de Privacidade e Dados Pessoais.